Search Results
Gerry Salole on MEP Gallup poll results
EFC's Gerry Salole on the launch of first-ever Foundation Week
Gerry Salole, Chief Executive, European Foundation Centre, Belgium
Gerry Salole, European Foundation Centre
GrantCraft: Gerry Salole
Gerry Salole, Chief Executive of the EFC, on 20 years of the Centre
Gerry Salole (13 May 2009)
2012-07-05 2. Welcome and Introduction: Gerry Salole
Salole Pt1
Taking a risk in unstable times - Detail TV
Luc Tayart de Borms on foundations's need to keep a European perspective
2012-07-06 2. Workshop 3: Programmatic priorities and the emergence of grass roots philanthropy - GR